Geoff Fader
Emeritus Chair
Geoff is a marketeer by profession. He has previously held senior positions with one of Australia’s largest automobile manufacturers, managing director of Tasmania’s largest accredited advertising agency and principal of a marketing consultancy.
Geoff is currently a director and former chair of the Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia, chair of the Tasmanian Small Business Council and chair of the family owned business, Australian Shipping Supplies. Geoff is also a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
He is a past national president and life member of both the Australian Marketing Institute and Group Training Australia. He was the founding chair of the Hospitality Group Apprenticeship Scheme in Tasmania.
Geoff has been a voluntary business mentor for 30 years. He has an MBA, is a Certified Practicing Marketer and holds a Diploma of Advertising.
Geoff provides an invaluable link to our role in supporting small businesses in rural and regional Tasmania